The Grinch hated Christmas...the whole Christmas season. (グリンチはクリスマスが大嫌い、、、クリスマスシーズンの何もかも。) Now, please don't ask why. (だけど、なぜなのかは聞くなかれ。) No one quite knows the reason. (誰にもその理由は分からない。) It could be his head was't screwed on just right. (もしや彼の頭のネジが緩んでいたから) It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. (それとも靴紐がきつすぎたから。) But I think the most likely reason at all...may have been that his heart was two sizes too small. (だけど一番考えられる理由は、、、おそらく彼のハートが人よりふた回り小さかったから。)